Ceòl is Orain

òrain le Caiptean Eoghan Anderson, nach maireann.
Anderson, Eoghan
Glascho: Gilleasbaig Mac-na-Ceàrdadh, 1925.

MacLeòid, Iain (An Cùl-cinn, Asainte = Culkein Store, Assynt)
Inbhir Nis: An Eachdraidh Thuathach, 1918.

with some English translations
Connor, R. D.
Stirling: Printed at the Observer Press, 1928.

a collection of twenty-six Gaelic songs, with music, in two-part harmony.
Dundee: Malcolm C. MacLeod, [n. d.].

a collection of twenty-eight Gaelic songs, with music, in two-part harmony.
Dundee: Malcolm C. MacLeod, [n. d.].
leabhar anns am bheil dàin, òrain is duanagan nan Gàidheal Albannach air am foillseachadh maille ri 'm fuinn
MacPhàrlain, Calum
Struibhle (Sruighlea): Aonghas MacAoidh, 1908.
a collection of Gaelic songs, with the music
Gillies, H. C.
Inverness: Printed at the Advertiser office, 1877.
to which will be added a few of the most lively country dances or reels of the North Highlands and Western Isles by Patrick McDonald, Minister of Kilmore in Argyleshire.
dàin, òrain is sgeulachdan le Dòmhnull MacDhòmhnuill, gobha ann am Barabhas.
MacDhòmhnuill, Dòmhnuill
Glaschu: Alasdair MacLabhruinn is a Mhic, 1920.