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Ceòl is Orain

Measan milis as an lios
Measan milis as an lios

òrain le Caiptean Eoghan Anderson, nach maireann.

Anderson, Eoghan

Glascho: Gilleasbaig Mac-na-Ceàrdadh, 1925.

Dàin agus òrain = Poems and songs
Dàin agus òrain = Poems and songs

MacLeòid, Iain (An Cùl-cinn, Asainte = Culkein Store, Assynt)

Inbhir Nis: An Eachdraidh Thuathach, 1918.

Gaelic poems
Gaelic poems

with some English translations

Connor, R. D.

Stirling: Printed at the Observer Press, 1928.

An lon-dubh, earrann ii:
An lon-dubh, earrann ii:

a collection of twenty-six Gaelic songs, with music, in two-part harmony.

Dundee: Malcolm C. MacLeod, [n. d.].

An lon-dubh, earrann i:
An lon-dubh, earrann i:

a collection of twenty-eight Gaelic songs, with music, in two-part harmony.

Dundee: Malcolm C. MacLeod, [n. d.].

Binneas nam bàrd:
Binneas nam bàrd:

leabhar anns am bheil dàin, òrain is duanagan nan Gàidheal Albannach air am foillseachadh maille ri 'm fuinn

MacPhàrlain, Calum

Struibhle (Sruighlea): Aonghas MacAoidh, 1908.

An smeòrach:
An smeòrach:

a collection of Gaelic songs, with the music

Gillies, H. C.

Inverness: Printed at the Advertiser office, 1877.

Proposals for publishing by subscription a collection of Highland vocal airs never hitherto published:
Proposals for publishing by subscription a collection of Highland vocal airs never hitherto published:

to which will be added a few of the most lively country dances or reels of the North Highlands and Western Isles by Patrick McDonald, Minister of Kilmore in Argyleshire.

Bàrd Bharabhais:
Bàrd Bharabhais:

dàin, òrain is sgeulachdan le Dòmhnull MacDhòmhnuill, gobha ann am Barabhas.

MacDhòmhnuill, Dòmhnuill

Glaschu: Alasdair MacLabhruinn is a Mhic, 1920.

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