
a short account of his life and fragments of his preaching
Nicolson, Nicol, Rev. (Minister of Strathgarve)
Translated from the Gaelic with a portrait of Mr. MacRae.
Inverness: George Young, 1895.

as also their atempts to suppress the establishment of sabbath schools. Addressed to the Society for Propagating the Gospel at Home.
Hill, Rowland.
Edinburgh: Printed by J. Ritchie, 1799.

No. 1. Published periodically.
Edinburgh: Printed by Andrew Balfour, Merchant Court, 1814.

being a series of addresses intended to explain and enforce the leading doctrines of the word of God.
Innes, William.
Edinburgh: Waugh and Innes, 1827.

Elgin: Printed for the author by R. Johnston, 1828.
occasioned by his recent publication of a "Selection from correspondence, &c." in reference to the Scotch church question.
Hamilton, John.
Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1842.
Edinburgh: D. R. Collie & Son.
No iomradh geàrr air beatha Rob Annan.
Macapersain, Ian (Ministear na h-Eaglais' Saoire, anns (sic) an Dundee). Air a chur an Gaelic le Ailean Sinclair, A. M. (Ministear na h-Eaglais' Saoire, anns a' Cheannmhor).
Perth: Duncan Matheson, 1869.
Alleine, Iosephe
Eadar-theangaichte o 'n Bheurla le I. S. (Rev. Dr. John Smith 1747-1807) ann Campleton (Ceann Loch Cille Chiarain).
Duneidin (Dùn Èideann): Clodh-bhuailte le Eoin Cllie, 1822.
feumalachd obair an spioraid naoimh agus creidimh, le co-chur na nithe sin; maille ri laoidhean spioradail
Farcharson, Gilleaspuig
Glasgow: J. & P. Campbell; Inverness: Smith, 1843.
Eadar-theangaichte o'n Bheurla chum Gaelic Albannaich le Alastair MacLauruinn.
Dun-Eudainn (Dùn Èideann): Clodh-bhuailte le T. Stiùbhart, 1816.
Le cead an easbuig.
Oban: Printed at the "Oban Times" office, Esplanade, 1889.
Gaelic hymns of Mrs Clark including three never before published.
Edited by Rev. Thomas Sinton, Dores.
Inverness: "Northern Chronicle" Office, 1902.
cho fada 'sa bhuineas do fhrithealadh na sàcramaid naoimh sin.
Imprimatur: Aeneas, Episcopus Ergadiensis et Insularum. (Aonghas MacDhòmhnaill 1844-1900, Easpaig Earra-Ghàidheal is nan Eilean)
Spurgeon, C. H.
Eadar-theangaichte le Alastair MacDhùghaill, Gleann-Urchudainn.
Duneidin (Dùn Èideann): Clò-bhuailte le Turnbull agus Spears, 1882.