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The Reverend John Macrae (Mac-Rath Mòr - Big MacRae) of Knockbain, Greenock, and Lewis:
The Reverend John Macrae (Mac-Rath Mòr - Big MacRae) of Knockbain, Greenock, and Lewis:

a short account of his life and fragments of his preaching

Nicolson, Nicol, Rev. (Minister of Strathgarve)

Translated from the Gaelic with a portrait of Mr. MacRae.

Inverness: George Young, 1895.

A series of letters occasioned by the late pastoral admonition of the Church of Scotland:
A series of letters occasioned by the late pastoral admonition of the Church of Scotland:

as also their atempts to suppress the establishment of sabbath schools. Addressed to the Society for Propagating the Gospel at Home.

Hill, Rowland.

Edinburgh: Printed by J. Ritchie, 1799.

Journal of itinerating exertions in some of the more destitute parts of Scotland
Journal of itinerating exertions in some of the more destitute parts of Scotland

No. 1. Published periodically.

Edinburgh: Printed by Andrew Balfour, Merchant Court, 1814.

Instruction for young inquirers:
Instruction for young inquirers:

being a series of addresses intended to explain and enforce the leading doctrines of the word of God.

Innes, William.

Edinburgh: Waugh and Innes, 1827.

Imcheisd Eaglais na h' Alba, na madadh alluidh air a rùsgadh dhe chòmhdach le aon do chàirdean dìleas na h' eaglais
Imcheisd Eaglais na h' Alba, na madadh alluidh air a rùsgadh dhe chòmhdach le aon do chàirdean dìleas na h' eaglais

Elgin: Printed for the author by R. Johnston, 1828.

Letter to Sir George Sinclair, Bart.
Letter to Sir George Sinclair, Bart.

occasioned by his recent publication of a "Selection from correspondence, &c." in reference to the Scotch church question.

Hamilton, John.

Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1842.

Eacdhraidh (sic) sgriobtural Ioseiph
Eacdhraidh (sic) sgriobtural Ioseiph

Edinburgh: D. R. Collie & Son.

An deagh shaighdear.
An deagh shaighdear.

No iomradh geàrr air beatha Rob Annan.

Macapersain, Ian (Ministear na h-Eaglais' Saoire, anns (sic) an Dundee). Air a chur an Gaelic le Ailean Sinclair, A. M. (Ministear na h-Eaglais' Saoire, anns a' Cheannmhor).

Perth: Duncan Matheson, 1869.

Earail dhùrachdach do pheacachaibh neo-iompaichte
Earail dhùrachdach do pheacachaibh neo-iompaichte

Alleine, Iosephe

Eadar-theangaichte o 'n Bheurla le I. S. (Rev. Dr. John Smith 1747-1807) ann Campleton (Ceann Loch Cille Chiarain).

Duneidin (Dùn Èideann): Clodh-bhuailte le Eoin Cllie, 1822.

Beachdan aithghearr mu fharsuinneachd ìobairt-rèitich Chrìosd:
Beachdan aithghearr mu fharsuinneachd ìobairt-rèitich Chrìosd:

feumalachd obair an spioraid naoimh agus creidimh, le co-chur na nithe sin; maille ri laoidhean spioradail

Farcharson, Gilleaspuig

Glasgow: J. & P. Campbell; Inverness: Smith, 1843.

Riaghailt-sdiuraidh na beatha Crìosduidh.
Riaghailt-sdiuraidh na beatha Crìosduidh.

Eadar-theangaichte o'n Bheurla chum Gaelic Albannaich le Alastair MacLauruinn.

Dun-Eudainn (Dùn Èideann): Clodh-bhuailte le T. Stiùbhart, 1816.

Laoidhean Caitliceach airson chloinne.
Laoidhean Caitliceach airson chloinne.

Le cead an easbuig.

Oban: Printed at the "Oban Times" office, Esplanade, 1889.

Laoidhean Bean Torra Dhamh.
Laoidhean Bean Torra Dhamh.

Gaelic hymns of Mrs Clark including three never before published.

Edited by Rev. Thomas Sinton, Dores.

Inverness: "Northern Chronicle" Office, 1902.

Dreuchd a' chomanachaidh airson feum Eaglais na h-Alba
Dreuchd a' chomanachaidh airson feum Eaglais na h-Alba

cho fada 'sa bhuineas do fhrithealadh na sàcramaid naoimh sin.

Ùrnaighean èisdeachd air son chloinne.
Ùrnaighean èisdeachd air son chloinne.

Imprimatur: Aeneas, Episcopus Ergadiensis et Insularum. (Aonghas MacDhòmhnaill 1844-1900, Easpaig Earra-Ghàidheal is nan Eilean)

Trì searmonan le C. H. Spurgeon
Trì searmonan le C. H. Spurgeon

Spurgeon, C. H.

Eadar-theangaichte le Alastair MacDhùghaill, Gleann-Urchudainn.

Duneidin (Dùn Èideann): Clò-bhuailte le Turnbull agus Spears, 1882.

The men of Skye
The men of Skye

MacCowan, Roderick

Glasgow: John MacNeilage, 1902.

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