
Ajax (Rev. Donald MacCallum)
Inverness: The Highland News Printing and Publishing Works, 1909.

and progress of the Land League in 1884-85.
Inverness: Printed at the Scottish Highlander office, 1885.

Ross, David.
Edinburgh: Printed by Robert Anderson, 1867.

's an àm a tha seachad, a tha làthair, 's a tha ri teachd.
Malcolm, Deòrsa (Ionar-Ghairidh)

dorus fosgailte do'n Ghàidhealtachd. Aithris air mar a dh' àiticheadh Canada le sluagh na h-Alba, na cothroman a tha an-diugh a' feitheamh air daoine na Gàidhealtachd a thig gu Canada-an-iar - air an cur fa chomhair an leughadair le Ailghinn La Bhruinn.
La Bhruinn, Ailghinn
Ottawa: Ùghdarras Àrd-uachdranachd Chanada, 1907.
Canada: Clò-bhuailte le Ùghdarras Pàrlamaid Chanada, 1892.
or the death of the girls who were taken from the Isle of Skye to England in May, 1852...
Forbes, John, Rev., (Minister of Sleat, Isle of Skye).
Edinburgh: Alexander C. Moodie, 1953.