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800 – Literature

Robinson Crusoe Gaelic translation of the famous book serialized in the Gaelic newspaper Mac-Talla. Author: Defoe, Daniel Published: Sydney, Canada : Mac-Talla Format.pdf
picture of the item Bard Bharabhais Collection of poetry and songs from Barvas Author: Macdonald, Donald of Barvas, Lewis. Published: Glasgow, Scotland : A. MacLaren & Sons, 1920 Format pdf Format doc Format txt
picture of the item Guthan o na Beantaibh Selection of poetry, stories, letters etc from 1927 by an Comunn Gàidhealach. Author: MacDonald, John, 1886- comp. Published: Glasgow : An Comunn Gaidhealach (The Highland Association), 1927. Format pdf Format doc Format txt
Òrain le Donnchadh Dòmhnallach From a handwritten notebook of songs by a Dunvegan bard closely related to the bards of Glendale. Author: MacDonald, Duncan Format pdf
picture of the item Litrichean Alasdair Mhoir Letters to tourists travelling the Western Isles, containing useful local information. Author:   Macleoid, Iain N. Published: Stornoway: Cuairtear Steornabhaigh, ; 1932 Format pdf Format doc Format txt
picture of the item MacDonald Bards Information about important poets of the Clan MacDonald from the Middle Ages. Author:  Macdonald, Keith Norman, b. 1834. Published:  Glasgow : Alex. MacLaren & Sons, 1929, c1900. Format pdf Format doc Format txt
picture of the item Duan Molaidh air Alasadair MacArtair Song with Sol-fa notation Author:  Nic Bheathain, Sine (MacBean, Jean). Published:   Oban: Oban Times Limited [s.d.] Format pdf Format doc Format txt
picture of the item An Gaol a Bheir Buaidh Play for seven characters Author:   MacDhùghaill, Eachann M. Published:  Glasgow : Mac-na-Ceardadh, 1912. Format pdf Format doc Format txt
picture of the item Cumha Poem about the death of the poet’s wife Author:  Mac Bheathain, Fraing, An t-Urramach. Published:  [S.l., s.n.], 1856. Format pdf Format doc Format txt
picture of the item Almanac Gailig Gaelic Almanac for 1872 Author:  Ciobair, Calum. Published:  Inverness: Noble, 1872. Format pdf Format doc Format txt
picture of the item Gobha na h-Earradh Author: Published: Format pdf Format doc Format txt
picture of the item Poems in English, Scotch, and Gaelic on Various Subjects Author:  Walker, John, farmer. Published:   Glasgow: Printed by Young, Gallie; sold by M. Ogle, 1817. Format pdf Format doc Format txt
picture of the book Gaelic poems Leabhar dà-chananach de Bhàrdach Author:  Connor, R. D. Published:  Struibhle: 1928 Format pdf
picture of the book The Warbler : containing an elegy on the late most noble Marquis of Breadalbane : also a Gaelic song to His Lordship’s Volunteers, at Her Majesty’s Review of Scottish Volunteers in Edinburgh, August 1860 Author: Macdougall, John, fl. 1863. Published:  Edinburgh : Printed for the author, 1863 (Edinburgh : D.R. Collie) Format pdf
picture of the book Dain agus Òrain Collection of songs and poems on various subjects. Author:  McLeòid, Iain Published:  Inverness : An Eachdraidh Thuathach, 1907. Format pdf
Picture of the book Luinneagan reòbais Poems and love songs Author: Mac an Fhleisteir, Alasdair Published: Glasgow: Gilleasbaig  Mac-na-Ceardadh,  27a  Sraid  Cadogan, 1929. Format pdf
picture of book Da dhealbh-chluich Gaidhealach “Mairead”, Play for nine characters by Gilleasbaig MacCullaich, and “Rath-Innis”, Play for 21 characters by Iain MacCormaig. Author: MacCullaich, G & MacCormaig, I Foilseachadh: Glasgow: An Comunn Gaidhealach, 1924 Format pdf
Picture of the book An Long Mhor nan Eilthireach Short Story Author:    Macleod, Norman, teacher of Gaelic, 1783-1862. Published:   [s.l. : s.n., 18–] Format pdf
Picture of the book Measan milis as an Lios Song in Sol-fa notation Author:  Anderson, Eoghan, d. 1909. Published:   Glasgow : Gilleasbuig Mac-na-Ceardadh, 1925. Format pdf
picture of the book Poems and Songs, Spiritual Vision Spiritual poems and songs Author:   McLeòid, Iain Published: Inverness : An Eachdraidh Thuathach, 1918. Format pdf
picture of book Para Piobaire Para Piobaire and other short stories Author:  Whyte, John Published:  Glasgow:  A. Mac Labhruinn ‘s a mhic, 1925. Format pdf
picture of the book Am Mosgladh Mor Musical play for children Author:  MacPharlain, Calum Published: An Comunn Gaidhealach, c 1925 Format pdf
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