Tocher Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba
Gaelic Proverbs & Proverbial Sayings, by T.D. MacDonald, 1926
Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 1898
CARMINA GADELICA Ortha nan Gaidheal
Internet Sacred Texts Archive – Celtic Folklore
The Golden Bough, by Sir James George Frazer
Folklore – an electronic journal of folklore
Folklore and Mythology A huge selection of folktales and myths from around the world. Also useful links to other Folk and Fairy Tale sites and Germanic Myths, Legends and Sagas (University of Pittsburgh)
Folklore and Mythology Resource Guide
The History and Folklore of West Prince, Prince Edward Island
The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft 1563 – 1736 Edinburgh University database